LegendFiction – a gateway to discover all the worlds and imaginations of our authors.
Dominic de Souza
What’s a ‘Mythic Tale’? Writing heroic fiction | Creative Convos for CatholicAuthor
‘Mythic’ means any heroic story of a character dealing with a problem, and finding a way to overcome it to make the world right again.
How an architect creates supernatural fiction for modern teens, with Verity Lucia
A young mom with several children, Verity draws on her experience as an architect to craft a unique series of stories on spiritual warfare.
Short Story Contest: Mythic Tales | Due May 31 – Anyone can enter!
Our second contest has begun, where anyone who loves writing fiction, and agrees with the CatholicAuthor vision, is invited to send in a short mythic tale.
Your help needed: What should we rename the Journal?
For readers and families on the front end… the Journal is something else entirely.
Creating a fantasy magic system out of music! Chatting ‘Brio’ with with Chris Cross
Chris Cross loves music – so it made sense to create a fantasy world where magic is based in music!
Writing dystopian Christian fiction with an invisible hero with Allison Ramirez
Allison shares a sneak preview of her upcoming dystopian novel, and the challenges of writing an invisible hero! In fact, the character is dead. Together, with a friend, they tackle the difficulty of a kingdom divided along religious lines, and discover a lost third way.
How fantasy imagines a frontier with the supernatural | A Creative Convo with Catholic Authors
The theme for this convo is ‘Fantasy’, where we talk about our favorite novels and series, and try to look under the surface at why this genre works.
Motherhood, modern cities, & writing domestic noir with Maya Sinha
Maya and I chat about her first novel, ‘The City Mother’, and how being a young mother in a strange city prompted her to think and observe.
The CatholicAuthor Scholarship for College-enrolled Students: 1 full year FREE
Currently enrolled college students are eligible for a full year in CatholicAuthor completely free.
Combat veterans, exorcists, & serious storytelling with Douglas Ernst
For mature audiences | Sometimes writing serious storytelling for Catholics feels like a minefield – ‘it’s not Catholic enough!’ or ‘it’s too Catholic!’
Pennon Issue 1: Fairy Tales – 100 pages of stories & enchantment!
After months of hard work from our creative contestants, and input from the CatholicAuthor mentors, our first issue of Pennon is available to order!
Ghost towns, shipwrecks space debris, & children’s stories with Elizabeth Fust
Elizabeth Fust, self-published picture book author and freelance writer by night and writer for a startup aerospace company by day.
Teen & YA fiction themes and toxic tropes! with Katy Campbell, Citlalin Ossio, & Dominic de Souza
What are the key things to think about when creating characters, what pressures are they going through, and what toxic tropes to avoid!
‘Silhouettes of Truth’: 7 Quotes from St. Basil on How to Read Literature
Back in the 4th Century, a Christian named Basil (later canonized) codified how his students were to approach their study of the classics of Greek and non-Christian literature