Handling teen rebellion in stories (and real life?) | The LegendFiction Show

Handling teen rebellion in stories (and real life?) | The LegendFiction Show

Apr 21, 2023 | Latest, Shows

Katy, Joe, and Dominic tackle the popular trope of ‘The Teen is Always Right’ in fiction, real life, specifically the “junior knows best” trope where a teenager disobeys their parents because they feel held back. They analyze how this trope is portrayed in media and how it can be done well or poorly. We bring up movies like Guillermo del Toro’s version of Pinocchio, ‘How to Train Your Own Dragon,’ ‘Totoro,’ ‘The Nutcracker and the 4 Realms,’ and ‘Tangled’ to explore these ideas of teen rebellion vs dark authority.

– 📚 We discuss the “junior knows best” trope where a teenager rebels against their parent’s authority, which is a common theme in many stories.
– 🎥 They analyze how this trope is portrayed in different movies, including the recent Pinocchio movie, and how it can be done well or poorly.
– 👪 They also discuss their own experiences as parents dealing with teenage rebellion and appropriate ways to respond.

The way we see it, there’s a legitimate space where rebellion and disobedience has meaning in our stories, because it shows up where our character is immature, or where the system is too autocratic. Or both. We use stories, and our daily lives with our loved ones, as opportunities to self-reflect and grow in wisdom.

A young, Catholic dad and novelist passionate about worldbuilding and Catholicism. Dominic is graduated from the Writer’s Institute for Children’s Literature, self-published a children’s novel, and works full time as a marketer and graphic designer. He is married, with a small girl and a smaller corgi. When not reading or watching shows in his downtime, he’s recording podcasts and procrastinating about writing stories. He is the founder of LegendFiction.
WEBSITE: https://dominicdesouza.com

Katy a humor writer and lover of fairy tales. As a homeschool graduate from New Jersey, she published her first children’s novel, Martha and Chip, at the age of nineteen. She went on to study entertainment media at John Paul the Great University in San Diego. It was there she met her husband, a man who only dressed in flannel and had a cup of Starbucks coffee permanently affixed to his hand. She returned with him to his home state of Washington where she too, developed a taste for Starbucks (though not for flannel).
WEBSITE: https://katysfables.com

A graduate from JPCatholic University, with a family background in editorials, Joe Campbell loves movies and creative mayhem and Christic imagination. He spends time writing stories and engaging with the LegendFiction community, providing feedback and inspiration to authors.
Read Joe’s fiction: https://worlds.legendfiction.com/post/joe-campbell/
YouTube: @Filmilliterates

ABOUT THIS SHOW: The LegendFiction Show
The LegendFiction show is for faith-inspired fiction writers to delve deeper, write wilder, and have fun with storytelling. Join Katy, Joe, and Dominic, three delightful, deliberate dorks, coming to you from the LegendFiction community. Join us as we share what we think about faith, fun, and fiction in our world today. Together, we nerd out on the numinous, grapple with the grimdark, and spellbind with stories.

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Dominic Vera

Founder of LegendFiction, and a total Wandery. Geeks over epics, mystics, science, the angelic, & Netflix. A young, Catholic dad and novelist passionate about worldbuilding and faith-inspired fiction. A graduate from the Writer’s Institute for Children’s Literature, self-published a children’s novel, and works as a full time marketer and graphic designer. Married, with a small girl and a smaller corgi. Website | See more of Dominic's posts

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