Exploring the Magic of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe: A Discussion on Transformation, Courage, and Wonder with Sarah Swiattack

Exploring the Magic of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe: A Discussion on Transformation, Courage, and Wonder with Sarah Swiattack

Jun 10, 2023 | Export, Latest

What was your favorite book as a child? As a child, I loved the Chronicles of Narnia! In the latest episode of Magic in the Ordinary, I talk with Sarah, a jujistu martial artist, about one of our favorite childhood books: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.

In this episode we dig into the magic of revisitng one of our favorite worlds. What themes in the story still resonate with us today?

Tranformation. Discussing this book during the transition from winter to spring was pretty incredible. I loved Sarah’s insights on transformation – there are so many examples of it in the book from the way the spring comes to the inner transformation we see in the characters.

Courage. I feel like as a child, I didn’t fully appreciate how much courage the characters in this book had. Sarah and I talk about the courage we see in Lucy, Aslan, and Peter and talk about what that courage should look like in our own lives.

Wonder. We talk about how C.S.Lewis packs so much into such a short volume and how he is able to spark our imaginations at any age. We are finally “old enough to read fairy tales again.” Having a sense of wonder is vital, especially as writers, and I love developing that.

I love re-vising childhood books like this. They remind me of so many deep truths. Spring will come again. There are many types of courage. Something as ordinary as a wardrobe can hold incredible magic.

I’ll leave you with a quote:

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Happy Reading, Friends!

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Jacqueline Rose

Jacqueline Rose is the host of the podcast Magic in the Ordinary, founder of Adventures in Excellence, and an avid writer. She loves travel, books, new langauges, and long conversations over tea. She loves how books are portals to new and exciting realms and has never gotten over how magical it is to write those portals for herself and others.

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