Amazing new merch for LegendHaven 2023: Mugs, Tees, Banners, & More!

Amazing new merch for LegendHaven 2023: Mugs, Tees, Banners, & More!

Jul 7, 2023 | Export, Latest

With LegendHaven 2023 landing on October 14, check out this lineup of stunning merch for this event! Every purchase makes you look incredible, turns heads when you walk down the street, and makes your writing environment more imaginative and epic.

Plus, it helps us afford software and resources!

RSVP for LegendHaven free

LegendHaven is a completely free event for Catholic and Orthodox readers and writers from anywhere in the world! Together, we’re letting our geek flags fly, and show up to cheer each other on with our writing adventures!

Check out the lineup!

[products category=”legendhaven-2023″ columns=3 orderby=rand]

Which one of these is your favorite?


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Dominic Vera

Founder of LegendFiction, and a total Wandery. Geeks over epics, mystics, science, the angelic, & Netflix. A young, Catholic dad and novelist passionate about worldbuilding and faith-inspired fiction. A graduate from the Writer’s Institute for Children’s Literature, self-published a children’s novel, and works as a full time marketer and graphic designer. Married, with a small girl and a smaller corgi. Website | See more of Dominic's posts

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