Answer simple questions to discover whether you're a Visioneer, Chalimancer, Wandery, or Excalibyrn!
Which of these traits do you most admire in a legendary hero?
What would your legendary epithet or title be?
Which of the following types of stories do you find most satisfying to read or write?
Which literary archetype resonates with you the most?
What kind of legendary creature would be your ally in battle?
When it comes to crafting the plot of your stories, which of the following themes do you tend to focus on the most?
What kind of adventure would you like to go on?
What legendary villain do you find most fascinating?
What is your favorite mythical artifact?
How do you typically deal with difficult emotions?
What role do you typically play in a group?
What kind of conflict do you like to explore in your writing?
If you could time-travel to any period in history, where would you go?
Which of the following environments do you find most inspiring?
When faced with a challenge, what legendary hero do you most identify with?
What kind of protagonist do you enjoy writing the most?
What kind of writing style do you enjoy the most?
If you could live in any world, which one would it be?
What kind of setting do you like to write about the most?
Which genre do you prefer to write in?
Which of the following values are most important to you?
What kind of story do you enjoy reading the most?