
Amelia Leedom

Amelia Leedom

Amelia Leedom writes for many reasons. To relax, to make herself happy, but mostly she writes because she needs to get these ideas out of her head so she can sleep! Her stories range from romance, to bromance, to whatever-mance you can think of. When she’s not writing, Amelia can be found watching the best low-budget B movies Amazon has to offer, making her husband pay attention to her, or coming up with new story ideas as a way to procrastinate on the stories she is working on.


ABOUT THIS SHOW: Legendmakers
Interviews with authors, brought to you by LegendFiction, the creative community for Catholic & Orthodox fiction writers! Hosted by Dominic, the founder, we talk creed, craft, and co-creation, rooted in grit, grace, gods, and dragons. Let’s inspire your faith and your fiction.

The creative community for modern Catholic & Orthodox authors. Share your works in progress, give and get feedback, and double your writing output! Join our private community:

FREE COURSE: How to be a Faith-Inspired Fiction Author
Helping authors write exciting novels, connect faith with fiction, and be a better Catholic!

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Katy Campbell

Katy Campbell

Katy grew up in a family that was always joking around and laughing. “My grandma taught me that humor is a powerful tool for getting perspective, especially when working through difficulties. I brought this value to my writing and have yet to create a story I don’t consider at least a little bit fun. So far, I’ve published four comedy fantasies and have many more in the works! ”


Q: Favorite fandom/movie series?

This is the worst question ever because there are so many awesome fandoms to choose from. Since I have to choose, I’ll say Star Trek from the original series through Voyager. (None of these new-fangled Star Treks you kids are watching.) My fairies draw a ton of inspiration from Q, the mischievous all-powerful space alien that appears in Next Generation.

Q: What are you writing these days?

Lots of things! I am doing a sequel to my first novel, Love, Treachery, and Other Terrors. A sequel to Rosaline’s Curse, and a new fun fantasy for middle schoolers about a fifteen-year-old girl’s search for her long-lost parents.

Q: Why is LegendFiction a Good Idea?

Because Orthodox and Catholic writers need a place to tell fun stories that reflect their worldview. I mentioned how much I love Star Trek earlier, but numerous episodes depict religious people as superstitious, science haters that need to be defeated. It’s a pretty standard sci-fi trope.

What’s the solution to this? Help religious writers create awesome sci-fi! Their stories might not be explicitly religious, but they also won’t perpetuate anti-christian stereotypes.

Q: What Services Do You Offer?

I offer story coaching for novels and short stories. As I am reading through your story, I will leave inline comments with my real-time reaction and predictions about where the story is going. This will help you understand if your emotional beats are working.
I try to be as specific as possible with feedback whether it’s constructive or praising. So instead of saying, “I like Chapter 6” I’ll say, “I like how you built tension in Chapter 6 by introducing the mysterious stranger. He was really creepy and the way he kept showing up everywhere the hero went got me really on edge.”

Instead of saying, “This section is boring.” I will say, “Cut this section down because it repeats information you gave us earlier in the story.”

Q: What’s your dream audience?

I like working with people who are open-minded, willing to consider my notes even if they don’t end up using them, and people who are willing to ask clarifying questions about my feedback. I also love working with people who have great senses of humor and don’t take themselves too seriously.

Q: What’s one thing that you wish people knew about editing?

Nobody’s work is perfect. All the great books you’ve read went through numerous rounds of editing. Don’t be embarrassed if I catch a mistake in your manuscript. I’ve probably made the same mistake a hundred times. Editing can hurt, but it’s an important part of making your story awesome!

ABOUT THIS SHOW: Legendmakers
Interviews, convos, and community news about LegendFiction, the creative community for Catholic & Orthodox fiction writers! We talk creed, craft, and co-creation, rooted in grit, grace, gods, and dragons. Let’s inspire your faith and your fiction.

The creative community for modern Catholic & Orthodox authors. Discover new worlds, support your favorite authors, share your works in progress! Share your stories for free, or join our private community.

FREE COURSE: How to be a Catholic Author
Helping authors write exciting novels, connect faith with fiction, and be a better Catholic!

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Katelin Cummins

Katelin Cummins

Katelin Cummins is a writer and fiction book coach certified through Author Accelerator. She is a cradle Catholic who loves stories (especially fantasy) Katelin is excited to support Catholic writers to write the best stories they can, whether the content of those stories has religious themes or not.


As a book coach, Katelin help writers plan, write, or revise their novels. She offers guidance for planning a novel, professional developmental editing, project management for the creative process, accountability, and encouragement.

The two best times to begin working with Katelin are when you are beginning a new novel or have completed a first draft and are planning a revision.

Book Coaching Services:

– Accountability & Encouragement: Achieve your goals with personalized project management support for your book project. Twice per month, meet for a 30-minute video call to discuss your goals, your progress, and your plan for how to move forward.

– NaNoWriMo Support: Plan your book and reach the 50,000 word finish line this November. This package uses the Blueprint for a Book tool from Author Accelerator along with six weekly coaching sessions for accountability and encouragement.

– Blueprint for a Book: Build your book using Author Accelerator’s in-depth novel-planning method. Complete the exercises over four deadlines (one to two months), receive written feedback, and discuss your work with me during three live coaching sessions.

– Manuscript Evaluation: Send your completed manuscript and find out what’s working and what’s not working with your book as a whole. Receive a detailed editorial letter with a step-by-step plan for revision. Then discuss your feedback and revision plan on a one-hour video call.

See more information or contact her on her website:

Katelin offers a 10% discount on services to members of LegendFiction!

As a writer, Katelin is currently working on a supernatural women’s fiction novel called Inheriting the Muse. It’s about an artist who meets the muse spirit who inspired her famous painter father. The muse magically inspires her, animates her artwork, and brings her success. But when the artist-muse relationship turns toxic, the artist must decide if creative bliss is worth her freedom.

About Author Accelerator

ABOUT THIS SHOW: Legendmakers
Interviews, convos, and community news about LegendFiction, the creative community for Catholic & Orthodox fiction writers! We talk creed, craft, and co-creation, rooted in grit, grace, gods, and dragons. Let’s inspire your faith and your fiction.

The creative community for modern Catholic & Orthodox authors. The creative community for modern Catholic & Orthodox fiction authors. Discover new worlds, support your favorite authors, share your works in progress! Share your stories for free, or join our private community.

FREE COURSE: How to be a Catholic Author
Helping authors write exciting novels, connect faith with fiction, and be a better Catholic!

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