Fiction, Creativity & Homeschooling: Catholic Homeschool Community & LegendFiction

Fiction, Creativity & Homeschooling: Catholic Homeschool Community & LegendFiction

Nov 11, 2022 | Export, Latest

In a special pre-convention release, enjoy this conversation about creative writing and Catholic homeschooling! Paola Ciskanik (Catholic Homeschool Online) and Dominic (LegendFiction) talk about the origin stories for their two communities – and how they have grown up and bloomed in tandem! Both have a big heart and big focus on helping young families and homeschool children flourish and thrive. Creating spaces to encourage and inspire creativity is key.

Learn more about the Family Plan:

Reimagine education so your children feel a sense of success by discovering their God-given strengths, and passions to serve Him in this world.

The need is urgent. The need is real. The path is rewarding but not easy.
What began in 2020 when all the world was homeschooling, as an answer to the call to teach, encourage and support Catholic families who choose the homeschool lifestyle as grown to over 7000+ families strong from around the world.

Catholic Homeschool Online is the host for the Catholic Homeschool Community, The Catholic Homeschool Podcast and the new Catholic Community Center. It has become the trusted and cherished place for everything you need to homeschool your children, from finding support, to finding and planning the BEST curriculum that fits your family, all while supporting you in prayer, and love.

“I bring my love of my faith, marriage, family and my grateful heart! I bring to my 25 years of home education experience that is truly family-tested to this community! I also bring the vast knowledge I gained from founding and running Emmanuel Books, the trusted source for 20+ years, where I personally researched and sought the very best books/resources for families…Always through a Catholic lens, always with realistic goals in mind to bring mom inner peace!”

ABOUT THIS SHOW: Legendmakers
Interviews with authors, brought to you by LegendFiction, the creative community for Catholic & Orthodox fiction writers! Hosted by Dominic, the founder, we talk creed, craft, and co-creation, rooted in grit, grace, gods, and dragons. Let’s inspire your faith and your fiction.

The creative community for modern Catholic & Orthodox authors. Share your works in progress, give and get feedback, and double your writing output! Join our private community:

FREE COURSE: How to be a Faith-Inspired Fiction Author
Helping authors write exciting novels, connect faith with fiction, and be a better Catholic!


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Dominic Vera

Founder of LegendFiction, and a total Wandery. Geeks over epics, mystics, science, the angelic, & Netflix. A young, Catholic dad and novelist passionate about worldbuilding and faith-inspired fiction. A graduate from the Writer’s Institute for Children’s Literature, self-published a children’s novel, and works as a full time marketer and graphic designer. Married, with a small girl and a smaller corgi. Website | See more of Dominic's posts

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