Katelin Cummins

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Katelin Cummins is a writer and fiction book coach certified through Author Accelerator. She is a cradle Catholic who loves stories (especially fantasy). Katelin is excited to support Catholic writers to write the best stories they can, whether the content of those stories has religious themes or not.

As a book coach, Katelin help writers plan, write, or revise their novels. She offers guidance for planning a novel, professional developmental editing, project management for the creative process, accountability, and encouragement.

The two best times to begin working with Katelin are when you are beginning a new novel or have completed a first draft and are planning a revision.

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About Author Accelerator

As a writer, Katelin is currently working on a supernatural women’s fiction novel called Inheriting the Muse. It’s about an artist who meets the muse spirit who inspired her famous painter father. The muse magically inspires her, animates her artwork, and brings her success. But when the artist-muse relationship turns toxic, the artist must decide if creative bliss is worth her freedom.


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