Discover how to write a truly awesome novel! Learn how to handle feedback like a pro, by attending our workshop where you’ll get practical tips for giving and receiving feedback. You’ll also get to participate in group discussions and develop your skills in a fun and engaging way!
What’s the difference between a mediocre novel and a great one? The author’s ability to process feedback!
But how can you sort through all the notes you receive on your manuscript? And how do you know which ones to take and which ones to leave? And what’s often more uncomfortable than receiving feedback is giving it. How can you be honest with your fellow writers without hurting their feelings? How can you give them notes that will help them improve their book without crushing their soul?
In this workshop, we will discuss the practical steps for both giving your peers empowering feedback on their manuscripts and processing the notes you receive on your own.
In addition to looking at practical steps and examples, this workshop will include a lot of round table discussion.
Topics covered include:
- Handling the emotions that come with feedback.
- How to give honest and direct feedback that isn’t mean.
- How to sort through notes on your manuscript.
- What to do if you get conflicting feedback.
- How to select your review team.
Workshops details
- July 29th from 8:00am – 11:00am Pacific
- Where: Online – meeting link provided via email.
- Cost: $25.00 (LegendFiction members get $20.00 off.)
- In addition to looking at practical steps and examples, this workshop will include a lot of round table discussion.