No monthly fees. No per-person subscriptions. Just one fee.
Announcing: the new LegendFiction community
A sneak preview of the brand new community!
Announcing: Quests for LegendFiction
A Quest is like a like short story contest. It can be open-ended and ongoing. It’s a way to feature special prompts and inspire authors to get creative.
Announcing: LegendFiction! Our new home online for stories
LegendFiction – a gateway to discover all the worlds and imaginations of our authors.
Short Story Contest: Mythic Tales | Due May 31 – Anyone can enter!
Our second contest has begun, where anyone who loves writing fiction, and agrees with the CatholicAuthor vision, is invited to send in a short mythic tale.
Your help needed: What should we rename the Journal?
For readers and families on the front end… the Journal is something else entirely.
The CatholicAuthor Scholarship for College-enrolled Students: 1 full year FREE
Currently enrolled college students are eligible for a full year in CatholicAuthor completely free.
Pennon Issue 1: Fairy Tales – 100 pages of stories & enchantment!
After months of hard work from our creative contestants, and input from the CatholicAuthor mentors, our first issue of Pennon is available to order!
Artists: Enter the Fairy Tale Cover Art Contest!
Do you enjoy creating digital art, or pencil sketches, or painting? We have a fairy tale cover art challenge for you!
Announcing the Journal Website: a brand new upgrade for CatholicAuthor!
We needed an easy way for contest members to send in their stories, work on their revisions, and see all the other entries.
CatholicAuthor Short Story Contest: Fairy Tales | Winners Announced!
February is our first contest month, where all members are invited to send in a short story on a fairy tale theme. High school teens and adults welcome!
Announcing: The CatholicAuthor Creative Writing Program for High School Teens
A creative writing course that counts as school, helps teens get better jobs, and become better writers!
Announcing: quarterly contests for Catholic fiction authors
Contest finalists and winners will be published in Pennon, our quarterly journal. And everyone who participates is welcome to share their stories within our private community for peer feedback.
Announcing: our Monthly Genre Challenges for Catholic fiction
Each month of the year, we will share a monthly genre challenge. That means each month, members are invited to write and share a short story on the theme of the month.
Announcing: CatholicAuthor Teen! The community for high school fiction writers
CatholicAuthor Teens is your space where teens can give and get feedback, join in the monthly genre challenges, participate in the quarterly contests, and compete to get published in our quarterly journal!