Announcing: CatholicAuthor is now LegendFiction

Announcing: CatholicAuthor is now LegendFiction

Sep 12, 2022 | Latest

Greetings, fellow legendmakers! Can you believe we’re coming up to our first anniversary of CatholicAuthor! We have some exciting updates coming soon, but here’s one of the first ones:

CatholicAuthor is officially changing its name to LegendFiction.

During our first year, we’ve hosted contests and writing events, launched 2 communities and 2 podcasts, welcomed 3 mentors, made friends and taken names!

Over time, we realized that the ‘CatholicAuthor’ name no longer worked as well for us. In welcoming Orthodox creatives, we needed a new name.

Plus, people would get confused. “Do you help with my essay writing?”

Nope. Sorry. We’re all about imaginative fiction writing, mostly sci fi and fantasy, fairy tales and historical fiction for modern readers.

So as of today, the  website links have been updated, and the pages will be rewritten soon!

“Where are my stories?”

On their own special subsite, called Worlds.

Visit and sign back in now!

What’s next?

Our very own, standalone community, where teens and authors can rub shoulders and share works in progress together.

(It’s actually live right now – and we’re launching it soon! Comment if you want early access.)

Please drop a comment here with your own questions, and if you see anything that needs fixing!


  1. I can’t wait to see what the new community will look like!

    • Dominic de Souza

      It’s now live! Come on in and join us! :D

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Dominic Vera

Founder of LegendFiction, and a total Wandery. Geeks over epics, mystics, science, the angelic, & Netflix. A young, Catholic dad and novelist passionate about worldbuilding and faith-inspired fiction. A graduate from the Writer’s Institute for Children’s Literature, self-published a children’s novel, and works as a full time marketer and graphic designer. Married, with a small girl and a smaller corgi. Website | See more of Dominic's posts

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