Come one, come all! Our third contest for 2022 has begun, where anyone who loves writing fun, faith-inspired fiction is invited to send in a short ‘sacred’ story. This theme centers on Sacred Scripture, the saints, or an uplifting paranormal tale!
Winners get featured in LegendFiction.
This contest is hosted by CatholicAuthor, and finalists are published in Pennon, the CatholicAuthor journal. Plus, finalists earn free membership to the private community!
Visit this link to learn more, read all the details, and enter your story!
Create a dramatic, imaginative retelling of a well-loved Bible tale. Enter into a saint’s story with a new idea. Invent a modern day thriller, imaginative mystery, or tender love tale with realistic people.
Stories should respect Christian theology. Fantasy and fantastic stories are welcome, but must play within the lines of a family-friendly, Orthodox/Catholic understanding of how reality works. So you can create fiction based on saints or Bible stories, and even include legendary creatures or cautionary tales.
Do your best to be theologically accurate when dealing with spiritual realities.
What are sacred stories?
This tier of taletelling are the ‘mysteries’, the stories of direct contact with sacred, sacramental, and spiritual realities. God, Heaven, transcendence, revelation, prophecy, lives of the saints, demons, shadow sides, and so on.
Far too often, sacred stories are simplified to share with little children. But saints stories are anything but simple. They’re anything but safe.
They are the frontier of human fierceness and failing butting up against the relentless love of God. They are the dark morning of Jacob grappling with an Angel and breaking his hip for a blessing.
They’re full of horror, violence, depression, anger, mistakes, misapplied virtue, misunderstood truths, and terrible cultural pressure. And they’re also full of light, heroism, hunger, joy, and everything good from the Father of Lights.
Being aware of a saint’s story is like knowing about a fairy tale. We’ve heard the superficial retelling of events.
But fairy tales, myths, and sacred stories, are gateways to a deeper frontier – the much needed Dark Night of the Soul. That edge of the abyss of human existence where we step off into God with a full and willing trust. Where faith replaces feelings, and hope transcends reason.
That’s where the saints live. That’s how they understood their calling, their journey, their sacred pilgrimage.
So your stories here call on this journey.
Enter this contest: Visit this link to learn more, read all the details, and enter your story!